Current and Prospective Member Information

This informational packet is designed to help both new and existing members to get re-acquainted with some of the rules and procedures of the East End Yacht Club (EEYC). Please refer to the Constitution, By- Laws, Slip and Yard Rules for any clarification as that is the guiding rules of the EEYC. If anyone has any suggestions and/or additions to this overview, please “Contact Us” on the website.


The EEYC member submits the name of the prospective member to the Vice Commodore at a Main Monthly Meeting.

The EEYC member then brings the prospective member to the Board of Governors on a Monday night for an interview.

Approved by the Board of Governors, the prospective member needs to attend a Main Monthly Meeting to be voted on by the floor. Upon acceptance, the new EEYC member meets with the Vice Commodore to be orientated into the club. A packet of information is provided that includes the EEYC, Inc “Constitution, By-Laws, Slip and Yard Rules” with applicable fees and encourage website signup.

If the new member is interested in obtaining a slip, they can submit their name to the Board of Governors to be put onto the EEYC “Slip Waiting List” no less than one month after becoming a member.


  • The roster of the Bridge and Board of Governors is posted both on the website and in the bar.
  • Keys for the front gate and automatic openers may be purchased at the bar. The key will also give you access to both the men’s and ladies bathroom/shower that is located up the stairs behind the clubhouse. Please keep it clean and report any destruction and/or suggestions to any Board/Bridge officer.
  • You must sign-in your guests at the bar. Remember, you are responsible for their conduct while on club property.
  • The Board of Governors (BOG) is voluntary with a term of two years. The BOG is comprised of 8 members meeting Monday’s starting at 7pm with the exception of the Monday following the Main General Meeting. Please refer to the “Event Calendar” for scheduled meetings. Any problems and/or questions that cannot be answered by your sponsor can be presented to the BOG. To see the BOG on a Monday night, ask the bartender and put your name on the list. You will be called up in the order of sign-up. If you receive a letter from the board, do not ignore it. The board is here to help you as well as maintain discipline in a member friendly environment. BOG will NOT be responsible for misinformation received elsewhere.
  • The Bridge is voluntary with a term of one year comprised of 6 officers.
  • Pasta Night is held the second Thursday of each month as noted on the “Event Calendar”. The menu is posted on both the website and the bulletin board in the bar. Please signup and pay prior to the night to ensure there is enough food for everyone, envelopes and box located in the bar.
  • We have a mandatory Work Party rule of 10 hours per year in lieu of $500.00.
  • Griffin Hall and the Captains Lounge are available for rental, see the bartender for more details.
  • Yard Storage – Keep the area around your boat clean.
  • Letters, notes, requests for written information/slip changes should be addressed to the Board of Governors on a standard 8-1/2 X 11 sheet of paper. Napkins, cardboard, etc. will NOT be accepted.
  • Please do not park in front of a “No Parking” sign, a dumpster or the noted fire emergency gates.
  • A copy of your current vessel insurance needs to be on file with the EEYC. Failure to do so would warrant a fine to the removal of the vessel from the EEYC property. Refer to Article 10, page 32 of the EEYC Slips, Floats, Mooring and Dock Rules for additional information.
  • Your vessel needs to be registered if it is in the water and have the current registration sticker for that year posted.
  • We have a workshop in the garage for your use. Please cleanup after your use.
  • We have an Oil Recycling Tank between the lockers in the South Yard for old oil disposal. Please deposit oil only.
  • We monitor the gates and doors for security with a closed circuit camera. We are doing our best to keep everyone’s property safe. You can also help by being on the lookout for anything suspicious, especially at night. Be sure all gates are closed behind you when entering and leaving. Do not be afraid to ask “Who someone is” if they do not look familiar to you.
  • Our bartenders are responsible for actions in the bar. They have the right to refuse to serve anyone if they feel that person is out of order, becoming out of control or just had enough to drink. If you are asked to leave, please leave with no arguments
  • Parking is available in both the North and South Yards. Because of limited space, especially on weekends, members are asked to park as close as safely possible to the next vehicle or behind another vehicle that is in your party, if space allows.
  • Members are responsible to notify the EEYC office of any changes in address and/or Phone numbers. Bills and/or correspondence sent to the wrong address is not the responsibility of the EEYC.
  • “Inflatables” stored on Work Dock, for those on the Floating Dock, need to be clearly identified of ownership.
  • Dock carts are provided for your use to load and unload your car and boat. Please do NOT carry heavy batteries, machinery in these carts as they may break. Please return to their original place after use.
  • The club monitors VHF Channel 9.
  • Every member is responsible to abide by the Constitution, By- Laws, Slip and Yard Rules.